What is the House of Nationalities?


Aims and Objectives

The aims of the House of Nationalities are:

  • To provide the space for representatives of all ethnic communities of the South Sudan to meet in a spirit of mutual respect;
  • To promote the dignity and the culture of all South Sudanese communities;
  • To gain the State’s recognition of the different ethnic communities in the South Sudan;
  • To be a body to be consulted by the government before laws or policies that affect the communities are adopted, in particular those concerning culture, communal land and customary law;
  • To lay the foundation for a new concept of a nation-state by putting cultural diversity at the core of shaping a new national identity;
  • To serve as a venue for the settlement of disputes. It will empower communities to solve conflicts themselves while protecting their cultural and ethnic diversity from political manipulation.


Copyright©2004 Sudan House of Nationalities Concept: info@sudanhousofnationalities.com